Articulos cancer cervicouterino pdf

Cervical cancer is the most common and most lethal gynecological cancer in mexico. Gonzalo montalvo esquivel, jaime alberto coronel martinez, adriana alvarado zermeno. In fact, cervical cancer can be diagnosed early and, if. Cervical cancer cc is the second cause of death for cancer in women worldwide in spite of the implementation of cervix cytology screenings for its prevention. Cervical cancer is a serious health problem due to high mortality rates that are associated with it. There are many advances in the study of this disease pathogenesis, which has made possible to know the role of hu. Staging and initial evaluation of cervical cancer m. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Cervicouterine cancer screening with citology decrease incidence by more than 50%. To show epidemiological aspects of patients with cervical cancer treated at general hospital of mexico with seguro popular free of cost health plan. American institute for cancer research, 1759 rstreet nw, po box 97167, washington dc 200907167, usa estados unidos. Walboomers j, jacobs mv, manos mm, bosch fx, kummer ja, shah kv, et al. The cause of this cancer is the human papilloma virus high risk, and requires a sensitive test to provide sufficient sensitivity and specificity for early detection and greater interval period when the results are negative.

In fact, cervical cancer can be diagnosed early and, if detected on time, the likelihood of cure is high. Cancer cacu is the leading cause of death by malignant neoplasia in the group aged 2564. Deteccion primaria del cancer cervicouterino cirugia y. This disease mortality has declined in recent years as a result of the increase in the availability of timely screening programs. The high incidence rates can be explained by women and their families ignorance about this disease. Prevencion y control integrales del cancer cervicouterino. Doc pae cancer cervicouterino heydi cueto academia. En definitiva, las dietas hipercaloricas, las ricas en grasa y proteinas son las mas peligrosas, junto con algunas. The cause of this cancer is the human papilloma virus high risk, and requires a sensitive test to provide sufficient sensitivity and specificity for early detection. The low sensibility and specificity of the test reduce the potential benefits of these screenings and supports urgent improvements in early detection tests for cc. Human papillomavirus is a necessary cause of invasive cervical cancer worldwide.